3. Transfer of moneys to the General Revenue Account of the Central Government


Any money required to be transferred to the general revenue account of the Central Government under sub-section (5) of section 205A of the Act shall be transferred to any of the branches of the Punjab National Bank specified below, within a period of fourteen days from the date on which such money is required to be so transferred under the sub-section which shall be accounted under the Major/Minor Head of Account " 068-Miscellaneous General Services-Unpaid Dividends of Companies " :-




Name of the branches of the Punjab National Bank



1.      Ahmedabad

Ashram Road.

2.      Allahabad

Civil Lines.

3.      Bangalore

City Branch

4.      Bombay

Phiroz Shah Mehta Road.

5.      Calcutta

Brabourne Road.

6.      Chandigarh

Sector 17

6A. Coimbatore*

Oppanakara Street

 7.      Cuttack


 8.      Delhi

Barakhamba Road, New Delhi.

9.      Ernakulam.


10. Gwalior

Naya Bazar.

11. Hyderabad

Bank Street.

12. Jaipur

M. I. Road.

13. Jodhpur

Ratnada Colony.

14. Jullundur

Civil Lines.

15. Kanpur

Swaroop Nagar.

16. Madras

Mount Road.

17. Nagpur


18. Panaji

Piffurlekar Road.

19. Patna

Boring Road.

20. Shillong


21. Srinagar



* Inserted by Notification GSR 348(E), dated 31.3.1