Charge sheet 


8F. (1) Where the Chief Commissioner or the Director General, on the basis of information in its possession, is of the opinion that any registered valuer, or any other person, not being a person referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (e) of sub-rule (13) of rule 8A, who has made an application for registration as a valuer under rule 8B, is guilty of professional misconduct in connection with any proceeding under any law for the time being in force, he shall frame definite charges against such person and shall communicate them in writing to him together with a statement of the allegations in support of the charges.


(2) On receipt of the charge sheet and the statement referred to in sub-rule (1), the person shall be required to submit within thirty days of the receipt of the said charge sheet and the statement or, within such further time as the Chief Commissioner or the Director General may, on an application made by that person allow in this behalf, a written statement of his defence and also to state whether he desires to be heard in person.